
We are dedicated to passing on sound biblical principles to our children so they can grow in character and develop a solid foundation for living a good, happy, blessed life.

Children's Church: Ages 5-12. Children are dismissed before the morning message - about 20-25 minutes into the morning service. Our dedicated teachers present a biblical lesson and use hands-on activities to help instill God's message and to give children something concrete to carry home and share with their families. 

Nursery: We have a room dedicated for the care of infants.  We invite parents to use the room for their infant.  They can still hear the service in the room. Currently we are unable to staff the nursery room.

As a small but growing church we are eager to attract new families who want to be part of building a fully functioning Children’s Ministry at RVFC.  You and your family can make the difference!

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The flowers of kindness never fade.

You may give without loving, but you can't love without giving.

We cultivate the habit of BLESSing others as Jesus did

  • Bless others with Prayer, Words of Affirmation,
       and Acts of Kindness

  • Listen to others

  • Eat with others

  • Serve others

  • Speak Biblical Truth to others

Change for Life Ministry

We value life at River Valley.

One way we show it is by bringing our pocket change to church, and once a quarter we donate the money to an organization that promotes respect for life and the quality of life.  We switch each quarter. All the organizations are financially responsible and use the majority of their funds for ministry.

  1. Care Net or the Springfield Pregnancy Center - Organizations that offer Pro-Life pregnancy services.
  2. Feed the Children - An international organization providing food, essentials, and hope in the fight against childhood hunger.
  3. Agape International Missions (AIM) - AIM takes the holistic approach of rescuing, restoring and reintegrating survivors of sex trafficking and slavery (often young girls), seeking to meet survivors’ spiritual, emotional, social, educational and physical needs.  An approach proven to work!
  4. Samaritan's Purse - An evangelical Christian relief organization which provides spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world.

Helping Hands Ministry

  • Gifts of Love @ Christmas: We sponsor one or two familes each year, providing gifts for children and their parent(s).

  • Homeless Ministry: We join the Springfield Rescue Mission each year in their Hope Totes for the Homeless Outreach, supplying hygiene items before Easter.  We also do outreaches to the homeless in East Windsor and Enfield.

  • Food Drive: We do at least one food drive each year, especially before Thanksgiving.

  • We do occasionally do other things, support town Back to School supply drives.